Organization Details

The Perry Township Volunteer Fire department was originally the Colfax Volunteer Fire Department. In 1990 the Town of Colfax met with the Perry Township Trustee. Colfax no longer wished to operate the service due to funding problems. It was determined the township would take over the service and the apparatus was turned over to the township. The building was owned by the town and was leased to the township, for $1, until the new station was built in 1999. For years the department operated with a Chief, Assistant Chief, and a Captain. in 2000 two Lieutenant positions were created, one being in charge of Safety and the other Training. In 2011 the operations and administration divisions were restructured to better suit the needs of the department and to allow more members the opportunity to be involved. Currently, the department operations division consists of a Chief, Deputy Chief of Fire Operations, Deputy Chief of Special Operations, and Engine Company Captain and Lieutenant, a Truck Company Captain and Lieutenant and a Rescue Company Captain, a Training Director, and a Public Ed and Relations Director. The administrative division consists of President, Secretary, Treasurer, Station Supervisor, Supply Supervisor, Maintenance Supervisor, IVFA Supervisor, and a Fundraising Supervisor The department operates out of a single station. The Perry Township Fire Department operates two engines, a rescue, brush truck, ambulance, tanker, and a gator. The department responds to all types of emergencies, including medical, fire, and rescue. Situated in the Southwest corner of Clinton County, our response area borders three different counties. Due to this unique location, mutual aid is often given to nine surrounding departments, including (Boone County) Thorntown Fire, Sugar Creek Twp Fire; (Montgomery County) Darlington Fire, Madison Twp Fire; (Tippecanoe County) Clarks Hill Fire, Lauramie Twp Fire, Sheffield Twp Fire; and (Clinton County) Frankfort Fire, Madison Twp Fire