Organization Details

Boone County Youth|Adult Orchestra provides a professional musical and educational experience for young musicians and adults from Boone and surrounding counties. Since 2009, BCYAO has hosted over 300 young musicians and adult participants through its program. BCYAO is committed to being a "side-by-side" experience, providing professional instruction in an organized and engaged setting culminating in a public concert. BCYAO consists of youth through grade 12 and adults, professional musicians, teachers, and volunteers from central Indiana. This experience provides valuable individual and group instruction in a positive and attentive environment.
Boone County Youth | Adult Orchestra Opportunities
Seeking Concert Sponsors
The Boone County Youth | Adult Orchestra provides a professional musical and educational experience for young musicians and adults from Boone and surrounding counties. BCYAO puts young and experienced musicians together, provides professional instruction in an organized and engaged setting, and we finish our season by performing a free public concert. We do two of these concerts each year at the Boone County Courthouse. We are trying to build our library of sheet music and bring down fees for our musicians as much as possible. We are seeking sponsors for our Spring 2022 concert on May 14th. Our sponsorship levels and benefits can be found at