Organization Details

Your Gifts Make HandiCapable Camp a Success How do we cover the costs for over one hundred campers and all the volunteers needed for Handicapable Camp? Part of the cost is covered by registration fees paid by campers. Thousands of volunteer hours are donated over the course of the weekend. Many activities, such as the fireworks, firefighter and police displays, and nature exhibits are donated by other individuals and organizations. But we depend on donations to pay a large part of our expenses. It costs about $26,000 to rent the Bradford Woods facility, feed the campers and staff, and provide for security, medical care and transportation for the weekend. As you can see, many groups and individuals are helping make camp a reality for these special campers. Some of our contributors get involved year after year. Others help when and where they can. Any contribution you can make will be greatly appreciated. The more you give, the more campers we can include.