Supporting Foster Families during Foster Care Month
May is Foster Care Month and we are raising funds to show encouragement and appreciation to our local Boone County foster families! We would love to send them an experience off their wishlists such as: lawncare, housecleaning, spa day, door dash a date night and more! Join us in donating to help support foster families in our area! https://givebutter.com/1hEDH4
Donate to Boone County Cancer Society
A donation to Boone County Cancer Society is a thoughtful way to honor someone whose life has been impacted by cancer. There are many ways you can join us in the fight against cancer. Donate today
BCMP Amazon Wishlist Needs
BCMP keeps a Wishlist for mentoring activities.
Seeking Concert Sponsors
The Boone County Youth | Adult Orchestra provides a professional musical and educational experience for young musicians and adults from Boone and surrounding counties. BCYAO puts young and experienced musicians together, provides professional instruction in an organized and engaged setting, and we finish our season by performing a free public concert. We do two of these concerts each year at the Boone County Courthouse. We are trying to build our library of sheet music and bring down fees for our musicians as much as possible. We are seeking sponsors for our Spring 2022 concert on May 14th. Our sponsorship levels and benefits can be found at http://www.bcyao.org/sponsorship-levels--benefits.html.
Friends of the Park
Individuals are invited to donate to maintain and upgrade Zionsville Lions Park and facilities and equipment.
Dog Care
Pick a shift that works for your schedule to spend time caring for dogs staying at the shelter. Our volunteers play with, walk, feed and clean up after the pups to provide them companionship, care and enrichment. We have am and pm care shifts available each day. 7 am - 9 am-ish and 5 pm to 7 pm-ish.
Wish List
The Humane Society for Boone County uses thousands of paper towels, recycles grocery shopping bags for doggie bags, and also needs many bottles of Original Dawn dish soap, gallons of laundry detergent for soiled dog and cat beds, and an incredible amount of hand sanitizer. It is hard to imagine how many cleaning supplies, how much kitty litter and all the other supplies we use throughout the year. Your donation from our Wishlist can help offset some of these necessary purchases! https://www.hsforbc.org/wishlist.html
Stock Food Pantries
Our food pantry partners are seeing unprecedented need as a result of the pandemic. Your $150 gift adds 500 meals to their shelves!
Funding needed for programming expansions, clubs, education and community activities
ILADD is in need of funding to support our programs, clubs, education and community activities that foster interdependant living, personal enrichment, and lifelong friendships.
Donation Needs for Horse Expenditures
Morning Dove seeks funds to help with horse expenditures. Our horses are the core of our programming and our biggest expense. For horse donation opportunities, we need financial contributions that will go directly toward equine care and operations: -routine farrier and vet expenses -sawdust -horse feed and hay -grooming supplies and tack -the cost of labor (caring for horses)
Funding for Summer and Fall Programming and Scholarships
Black Box needs funds to put on our summer and fall programming. Funding will allow us to hire staff to meet the increased enrollment and wider variety of classes for students. Funding is also needed to provide scholarships.
Small Desk or Table for the Boone County WIC office
The Boone County WIC office is seeking a small desk or table (to be used as a desk) for our breastfeeding peer counselor. The current table that is being used is peeling laminate and not very sturdy. Her office area is very small. Thank you!
Donations needed to purchase a lifted mat table
The Arc of Greater Boone County is seeking funding to help get a lifted mat table for stretching. This funding will help us support persons who need personal care assistance including lifting, transferring and positioning persons who use wheelchairs and other adaptive aids
Scholarship Support
The Boys and Girls Club of Boone County is in need of donations to help support over $50,000 in scholarships at our Lebanon Unit - where 75% of our members are on free or reduced lunch.
Funding to support service opportunities for those with dementia/ providing meals to Boone County food pantries
Pack Way Hunger is partnering with Grand Brook Memory Care of Zionsville to provide hands-on, meaningful service opportunities for its residents living with dementia. Meals packed by Grand Brook Memory Care residents will be distributed in Boone County food pantries, serving the children and families of Boone County.
Isaiah Matching Donation Opportunity
A generous donor wants to MATCH your donations (up to $15,000) from now through year-end if you sign up to donate monthly to Isaiah 117 House! This helps us build, furnish and supply our home in Boone County where children and DCS workers will be ministered to on a child’s removal day. To say thank you, we’ll mail you these awesome Isaiah 117 House socks! Be sure to choose BOONE COUNTY for your gift. 1. Go to www.isaiah117house.com/donate 2. “Become a Monthly Giver” 3. Fill out the form and choose “My donation is for” BOONE COUNTY
Monthly Donation Needs
Please considering donating items to help us meet our monthly needs
Funding Needs
The Recovery Center is in need of renovations including bathroom remodel. We can also use fund to offset transportation costs, a new computer, printer and air conditioning unit.
Boys and Girls Club of Boone County
Your investment to the Boys & Girls Club of Boone County will enable the youth who need us most to benefit from the Club experience and services. After-school, before school, sports, camps and community service are all offered to the youth in our community. Please consider a gift to the Club where Great Futures begin!
Will You Donate to Help Build Freedom for People with Disabilities?
Did you know that 26% of people living with disabilities are also living in low-income households? Accessibility is a basic need that is often financially unattainable for many people in our community. SAWs (Servants at Work, Inc.) strives to help people be able to safely access their homes and communities by building ADA-compliant custom wooden ramps at no cost to our clients. Too many of our neighbors are in need of our help, and your support could change a life! Would you consider donating $50 to help us afford to build ramps to freedom and accessibility for people living with long-term disabilities? Your donation has a direct impact and is critical to being able to source raw materials for the ramps in the face of growing lumber costs. Please visit us online at SAWsramps.org/donate.
Funding for Special Classroom Accommodations
The youth at the Indiana United Methodist Children's Home arrive at our on campus James E. Davis School five-six years bhind their peers in school credits earned. The heartbreaking abuse and neglect trauma from their pasts creates acute sensory challenges that require special classroom accommodations to help the youth cope, focus, learn and graduate.
Become a Vendor
Interested in displaying your homemade handiwork at an event? Want to promote your business or non-profit organization? Your product, name, or message will be noticed by thousands of people attending our events.
Funding to Support Serve Day
Serve Day is a collaborative countywide initiative to provide local neighbors and families with goods and serves for back to school as well as create safe and fun environment s to connect and gather with one another and other local organizations to help meet needs year round. Serve Day 2022 saved our community over $260,000 in back to school needs alone.
Funding needed to purchase board books and diverse books for children
Indy Book Project is needing funding to purchase board books and diverse books for children.
Habitat for Humanity of Boone County
Habitat for Humanity Boone County is in need of donations to continue to provide affordable housing for hardworking Boone County families. Our build costs have increased more than 30% in the past 2 years.
Donation to Zionsville RISE Foundation
Want to make a positive impact in the Zionsville community? It really is as simple as making a donation. No amount of time or money is too small or too large! We appreciate all the help you can provide and guarantee that it will be put to excellent use.
Donation to Sylvia's Child Advocacy Center
A donation to Sylvia’s CAC is an investment in a child in crisis. Your support means children here today will have a safe, neutral, child-first facility that Sylvia Likens never had. Our work doesn’t stop at the forensic interview. Your donation will support Growing prevention education and awareness campaigns Sustainable forensic interviews and investigations of informed abuse or neglect The stable foundation for a generation of protection and nurturing of children Referrals to medical and mental health professionals The relentless pursuit of stopping child abuse before it starts in Boone County
Funding Needs
The Sullivan Munce Cultural Centeris in need of general donations.
Monetary and In Kind Donation Needs
Today your gift goes further to save lives, defeat poverty, and help local women better themselves. We rely on you for these 100% Tax Deductible donations.
Provide a Pack and Learn Experience
A $50 gift allows local students and campers to learn about hunger in their communities and participate in a hands on service experience. Your gift enables them to pack 166 meals for other local students in need.
Household item donations needed
We are always in need of the following household items, basically any items you need to set up housekeeping: Small kitchen appliances Pots & pans, Dishes, Glasses/cups, Coffee makers Comforters/all bedding, Pillows, Blankets Microwaves Electric skillets, Crockpots VCR/DVD players, Radios Sweepers Silverware Towels Indoor grills
Donate to Zionsville Parks Foundation Scholarships
The Zionsville Parks Foundation recognizes that quality summer camp programs are important to your family health and strive to ensure every Zionsville child has an opportunity to attend. The Foundation offers financial assistance to residents who may face financial hardship in paying camp registration fees through the Zionsville Parks Foundation Scholarship Program. A limited number of scholarship funds are available for those who qualify.
Everyday Items Needed for Programming
Most needed items include: paint brushes, dry erase markers, sharpies, glue sticks, ziploc bags, Clorox wipes, hand sanitizer, soap, Kleenex, plastic silverware, napkins, paper plates, copy paper, toner TN660 and S35, ink cartridge 62, laminating sheet
Become a Friend of Thorntown Public Library
Support your local Thorntown library by joining the Friends of the Library! Fill out a form and send it (or stop by!) with payment. As a member, you will also receive our monthly newsletter by chosen format that includes information on upcoming programs, new materials, and more! Meetings are open to the public and are held the 2nd Tuesday in February, March, April, May, August and November. May’s annual meeting includes a plant swap and fun program for the whole family!
Shalom House is Looking for Partnerships
Shalom House is a well-managed, fiscally responsible non-profit organization whose operations are overseen by a volunteer board of directors. We’re fortunate that many local donors allow us to serve this community. But we couldn’t accomplish everything we do without the significant investments made by our partners. Our partners are individuals, companies, churches, and other organizations that recognize the importance of addressing food insecurity and its effects on the community. They do their part by providing generous financial and in-kind support to our operations.
Play on Zionsville - Double Your Impact
A Call to Action from the DeHaan Family Foundation Let’s grow the Band & Orchestra Musical Instrument Endowment together! Already, the Musical Instrument Endowment has purchased $40,000 in instruments for the Zionsville High School Instrumental Music programs. We’re excited to have a new goal and a challenge! Goal: $250,000 in Endowment principal Need: $40,000 to meet this goal So far: Received $20,000 gift from the DeHaan Family Foundation with a challenge to match Challenge: Receive $20,000 in donations from families, community, anyone who loves music! Impact: MINIMUM of $10,000 per year of instrument purchases in perpetuity
Provide Lunch for 333 Children!
A $100 gift provides lunch for 333 children in countries that experience widespread malnutrition. For many of these children, the lunch you provide will be the only meal they eat that day.
Become a Sponsor of Maplelawn Farmstead
One way for area businesses to get involved with Maplelawn Farmstead is to become a Maplelawn Friend-Raiser. When we think about our country’s history, one of the most enduring images that comes to mind is the old-fashioned barn raising – a social event when all of the people of a particular community gathered to help a neighbor in need. Our Friend-Raiser program provides funding for our annual special events through advertising sponsorships that include a variety of marketing benefits which – in turn – support our sponsors’ businesses. For information on how your business can become a Maplelawn Friend-Raiser, contact Ralph Stacy – Friend-Raiser Chair.
Join the Literacy League!
Join The Literacy League: Indy Reads' monthly giving program! A regular monthly contribution with your credit card, or by electronic funds transfer (EFT) from your bank account, helps ensure consistent resources for our students. Whether it's $5 or $10, $50 or $100, every monthly gift makes a difference for a student working hard at their second chance. Take a stand for literacy for all and become a member of The Literacy League!
Donate to Shalom House
Your donation allows us to continue to meet hunger needs and create a spirit of caring within our community. We thank you in advance for your kindness and generosity.
Donate Books
Thank you so much for your interest in supporting Indy Reads! Most of our gently used inventory comes from supporters like you. 1. We accept donations on the first Friday of every month from 11am-7pm. 2. We can only accept new and used books. No damaged books: heavy wear, water damage, mold, missing pages, etc. 3. No media (vinyl, cds, vhs, dvds, etc.). 4. No board games, puzzles, encyclopedias, textbooks, computer books, travel guides, magazines, dated material (annuals). 5. 3 boxes maximum—email bookstore@indyreads.org to set up an appointment for larger donations. 6. Please park on Shelby Street for easier access to our donation area. After ringing the doorbell, please wait and an associate will be with you shortly. 7. Once we accept your donations, we will give back any of your book containers. 8. We reserve the right to refuse donations that do not meet our standards. Thanks for supporting Indy Reads and adult literacy!
Sponsorship Opportunities
Our law enforcement officers (LEOs) need to be able to rely on great partners, both in the field and in their community. We appreciate you considering a partnership with the Jacob Pickett Response Organization, or JPRO, in our work to build bridges and break down barriers between LEOs and the communities they serve. LEOs are often there for us in some of the worst moments of our lives. They choose to serve their communities, to sometimes put themselves in harm's way, and to do it all for a paycheck that often does not make ends meet in the worst moments of their own lives. When those moments happen, JPRO will be there for them like they've been there for us. Your support means the world to us and to them!
Financial Support for Participants
Girls on the Run Central Indiana inspires girls to be joyful, healthy and confident using a fun, experience-based curriculum which creatively integrates running. Many girls in Boone county need financial support to participate and we want to give every the opportunity to do so.
5th Annual Deputy Jacob Pickett Remembrance Day Donations
Law Enforcement Officers serve our communities everyday. Showing up for us. As an organization, the Jacob Pickett Response Organization steps in when they may be going through the worst part of their lives. Help us help them. The past 3 years, your donations have allowed us to help 7 families giving nearly $45,000. Will you #respondlikejake and give to help us fulfill our mission?
Center Stage Donation Needs
Center Stage has several donation needs. Gifts to Center Stage will help us to maintain our programs. In addition to monetary donations, we are also in need of LED lighting for stage. canopy for front door, and storage she for set pieces.
Dog Treats and Crafts for sale by donation
Our adults work hard daily to make crafts and dog treats daily to help give them a feeling of self worth. We would love to "sell" these items based on donations. We would be able to deliver these throughout the week. Our dog treats are all natural dog treats. We make (Peanut Butter Bones and Pumpkin Bites) that are made with rice flour and other natural ingredients. We would love to deliver these to people in the community or even set up a small spot in a store or restaurant in the Boone County area. Please contact Brittney Sutton for orders at wallsinc@ymail.com.
Art Supply Support
The Arc Artisans can always use art supplies to support its art program. Items that can be used include: *Art Ready Canvases *Acrylic Paints *Gift Cards/Certificates for Amazon, Dharma Trading, Ceramics Superstore, Hobby Lobby, Michaels *Blank tee shirts, bibs, bandanas, towels, etc. for dyeing or embellishing *Artist Paint Brushes *Blank Greeting Cards (cardstock or kraft paper) *Glass Beads, nickel free jewelry findings
We have a mobile pantry, once a month, at the Boone County Fairgrounds. Please contact pmellencamp@gleaners.org for more information.
Public Volunteer Event
Please join us for wrapping diapers for the 1 in 3 in need preparing for distribution to our non profit partners. Below you will find our Facebook link with more details. https://www.facebook.com/INdiaperbank/
Donate plexiglass/ exterior plywood for Little Free Library Repairs
The Indy Book Project fills Little Free Libraries throughout Boone County and the greater Indianapolis area. Since they are all outdoors many of these libraries have some wear and tear which causes damage to books placed inside. We are looking for donations to help repair them. The main need is plexiglass for doors but also small pieces of exterior plywood for repairs. For plywood either 3/4 or 5/8" thick exterior plywood in 2x2' or 2 x4' pieces
Volunteer during our Festival or become a Member of the Festival Committee
Become a member of the "Back to the Fifties Festival, Inc" We meet on a monthly basis 10 months a year. Or, volunteer to assist with the Festival the weekend of the event. We have various areas of the event in which you can help. Check our website: www.fiftiesfestival.com under the HEADER - GET INVOLVED to see the areas to find what best suits you. Just few you might choose from: Help with sales and directions to those visiting in our INFORMATION BOOTH, assist in the Car Show with registration, set-up & teardown of the event, booth assistance with our vendors, assisting with parking, shuttle drivers, and list goes one. During the year we have many phone calls to make and envelopes to stuff.